Bejegyzések tőle enadmin starts next year, the online youth Bible-reading guide of SU Hungary will start on the 1st of January 2024. For many years we witnessed the number of readers of our guide slowly fading away, so this year we did a survey among our readers and youthleaders. More than 300 people filled out the form. It became apparent […]

Fundraising campaigns in 2023

Dear Friends, The summer missions are almost here, and after careful consideration we decided that we will only increase the participation fee for kids and teenagers slightly in our camps. It is quite apparent now that this decision will require your support, so we ask you to prayerfully consider one or two of these campaigns: […]

Summer volunteering 2024 – apply online

The application platform of SU England&Wales (Frontline) is NOT YET ONLINE. If you are considering helping in a summer camp in Hungary, please contact us here. If you wish, you can also apply directly to SU England&Wales or Scotland. Dates for 2024: Week 1: 29 Jun – 6 July – Volunteer Applications OPEN TO SU […]

Scripture Union Hungary Newsletter: Winter 2022

Dear Friends! In the name of Scripture Union Hungary, we would like to wish you a blessed Christmas. May it be filled with the hope and joy of our Lord. Please find a short newsletter about our activities since June attached. God bless you and keep you, Tamas Daxner and the SU Hungary team

Scripture Union Hungary Newsletter: Summer 2022

Dear Friends, Our English kids camps are over. We are very grateful that we could have our brothers and sisters from the UK with us, serving among the kids. Thanks to God’s provision we could have camps at 7 locations, serving Hungarian churches. (We will share more about it in our winter newsletter). Please find our latest […]