Camps memories in 2020 – Tatabánya

Being at Scripture Union camps, and even entering the SU office in Calvin Square, always makes me feel at home. God has proved again, He knows where I need to serve. The testimonies were a blessing to me, I admire that the word of God can address anyone who seeks the truth. As I saw the burdens of my companions and we prayed for each other, my heart was comforted and encouraged.

I challenged myself this year when I undertook the leadership of the teen group. I was afraid I would fail and I would not be able to use the opportunity given to me, but I was pleasantly disappointed as all 8 children were open, active and interested. I locked them in my heart, and even now we still keep in touch and talk about God’s word together. There was unity among the local helpers; they arrived enthusiastically every morning, proving to be true right hand men and women. I can say the same about the pastor’s family. I was tired by Friday and it was difficult to smile. When I looked at the kids, I knew it was worth getting tired and I believe sowing the seed wasn’t in vain.

The Lord is so good, if I had gone to Budapest (from Transylvania) 3 days later, I would have had to go to quarantine. Isn’t God’s timing great?

Helga Balla (Nagybánya)

I was serving at Tatabánya’s camp.

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