Scripture Union Hungary Newsletter: Winter 2024
Dear Friends!
Dear Friends!, the online youth Bible-reading guide of SU Hungary will start on the 1st of January 2024.
For many years we witnessed the number of readers of our guide slowly fading away, so this year we did a survey among our readers and youthleaders. More than 300 people filled out the form. It became apparent that if we want to reach this generation with the Word of God, we must find new ways.
Starting next year we will move Utjelzo online, but it would not be your everyday guide. At first glance we offer the reader a motivational picture, a sentence from the Bible and a short explanation. It serve as a quick „bite”, but our hope is that people would be intrigued to swipe right, read the extended passage and the explanation, even going further right and read some background. Spotify podcast would be available for each day for those reading on the road.
Certainly, this is a new and costly endeavour as Utjelzo will not be bringing in any venue, but is is crucial to reach this generation, and to motivate them to seek God daily for guidance. if you would like to support us this you can do so by clicking here.
Here is a video-summary about the project:
Dear Friends,
The summer missions are almost here, and after careful consideration we decided that we will only increase the participation fee for kids and teenagers slightly in our camps. It is quite apparent now that this decision will require your support, so we ask you to prayerfully consider one or two of these campaigns:
From 24 – 28 July we will organise a sportcamp for Roma kids who fled Ukraine. Naturally they cannot pay any participation fee, so we need funds for all camp materials. Reference: UKR
For this year’s program we are collecting the following materials (or funding for them): coloured craft foam sheets, spraypaints, markers, glue. Reference: CRAFT
Our camp T-shirts for volunteers are very used so we would like to produce new ones. We will need approximately £400 for the whole project. Reference: TSHIRT
We would like to give our summer volunteers (especially the students) a small symbolic amount to support their service. Reference: SUMMERMISSION
If you would like to support any of these campaigns, please make a transfer to our bank account:
Please use the above references to indicate how you would like your gift to be used. Thank you!
Dear Friends!
Our English kids camps are over. We are very grateful that we could have our brothers and sisters from the UK with us, serving among the kids. Thanks to God’s provision we could have camps at 7 locations, serving Hungarian churches. (We will share more about it in our winter newsletter).
Thank you for your prayers and for your support!
With Love,
Voices 2020
On Saturday 12th September I was able to take part in the online conference and represent Scripture Union Hungary. Hundreds of countries were present through the conference, and we thought together about the current situation and the future of the Union. For about one and a half hours we had the opportunity to listen to the leaders’ thoughts and the youth of other countries who were able to talk about what their SU did through the pandemic. One interesting report from a guy from the Baltic states said that they helped children with their education online and sharing the gospel. There were small groups where we could talk from our own experiences about the future of the Union. Personally, I did this with a girl from New Zealand and three young people from African countries. During the group conversation one of the men said that the most important thing in our personal lives and in the life of SU, both in the present and in the future, is that we have to remember to follow these words as we serve:
“I lift up my eyes to the mountains — where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” Psalm 121: 1-2
From the groups we had the opportunity to share from our conversation with the other groups in order to help us think together. In agreement with the consensus, I think it would be important to have more of these events to share our experiences with each other.
Overall I’m happy that I was able to attend the Voices 2020 conference and listen to others’ voices, not forgetting that we all must listen to the most important voice, the Good Shepherd’s.
Bogi Hován
The Christianity Explored series was an important stage in our journey. We weren’t able to take part in the usual way due to lockdown, but we continued the course at home that we started in Fót at the beginning of March. We would like to share our views.
Dani: I was blessed that I could take part in the first event. Before the second event could take place they announced the curfew. Not long after we decided that the two of us would continue what I had started in Fót.
For me the whole thing – faith, the Bible, Jesus – were new experiences, and at the beginning of Christianity Explored I tensely looked forward with mixed excitement. Alongside this I was ready to continue. At home I read the questions and the corresponding bible passages, and in this way I read through Mark’s gospel. I undertook this, but I would be lying if I said that it happened without uncertainty. Győző, the vicar in Fót, sent the materials that he would have used to Idi, and we found the Christianity Explored youtube channel where we watched through the ten part video series, in which a man speaks in English about the topics which the Hungarian Christianity Explored also includes.
I looked again at the end of the exercise book to remind myself of the decision that I could say at that time. “What do I need to do in my earthly life to get to the point where the blind Bartimeus was? He threw everything away to follow Jesus who was standing in front of him”. Jesus was standing in front of me too. The lockdown is no barrier for him. He was standing there and asked me if I wanted to follow him. I am grateful that I could complete the Christianity Explored series from home with Idi’s help and I could reach the above decision.
Idi: For me it was a huge gift and miracle that I could follow Dani on his road to find Jesus, and since then it is a joy to see the forming of his faith. It also meant a lot to think through the questions. Originally I would have been a group leader on this occasion. I can’t say how grateful I am to Jesus that he led us in the way to know him and he’s still leading us in lifelong discovery.
Ida Jobbágy and Dániel Jenei